

Tech · Video
We demonstrate our web app used for experimenting with different types of prompt injection attacks and mitigations on LLMs and how easy it can be to hack GPT through malicious prompts.
Tech · Video
We've all now seen the apparently creative outputs of Generative AI, with astonishing results that seem to border on human creativity. How does GPT-3 achieve this? In this short talk, I lift the lid to reveal the probabilistic elements that allow an otherwise deterministic model to give all the appearances of creativity.
Tech · Video
The rapid rise in the consumption or usage of open source hasn’t been met with an equal rise in contribution – to put it simply, there are far more takers than givers, and the challenges created by this imbalance are starting to emerge.
Tech · Video
FINOS, in partnership with Linux Foundation Research, GitHub, Red Hat, Scott Logic, and with the support of many other FINOS members, conducted the second annual study to assess the opportunities and potential challenges of consuming, contributing to, and governing open source in financial services. This panel dives into the research's key findings, as well as provides insight into how things have progressed year-over-year.
Tech · Video
A panel discussion from FinJS London 2022, exploring the latest developments in desktop workflows
Tech · Video
Recently, WebAssembly has been a hot topic in tech and developer forums. In this talk, I discuss one use-case: the creation of a UI that runs in browsers, which is powered by WebAssembly (compiled from Rust).
Tech · Video
As far back as 600BC there is evidence of people encrypting messages to send secrets. Originally it was mainly used to conceal tactics for battle, but now encryption is used frequently in our daily life. In this talk, I describe how methods of encryption have changed through time.
Tech · Video
We’ve all played a game with Box2D physics (e.g. Angry Birds). Google forked Box2D to add fluid simulation, but diverged irretrievably in the process. In this talk, I ask whether we can salvage Google’s contributions and bring both these C++ projects to the modern web using WebAssembly and TypeScript?
People · Video
We celebrated International Women’s Day with a distinguished panel of IT leaders – Boohoo's Jo Graham; DWP's Jacqui Leggetter; and NatWest's Mei Clark – discussing IWD2022’s theme: ‘Break the Bias’.
Cloud · Video
Failures are inevitable. Although trying to prevent possible failures to a system is certainly worthwhile, we can also embrace failures and learn how to adapt. In this talk, I explore the importance of resilience and how experimentation can help us build more resilient systems.
Artificial Intelligence · Video
In this talk, I share the key things AI can learn from Neuroscience, and why these two disciplines need each other in order to progress successfully.
Tech · Video
Sometimes it’s important to show progress to people who don’t care about APIs and there is no time to put together an elaborate UI.
People · Video
Drawn from my experiences leading delivery teams throughout the pandemic, I share new tips for taking the isolation out of remote working.
Tech · Video
While we are all working remotely, code reviews should be an opportunity to grow as a team, but too often they can become something we fear, hate and avoid. This talks suggests an approach to remove conflict while strengthening the team.
Tech · Video
In this talk, I summarise the first steps in creating a Seasonal Cocktail Playlist by outlining how to apply Data Science skills when cleaning and labelling a cocktail data set.
Artificial Intelligence · Video
I talk about GPT3, one of the massive and very impressive AI models to come out of OpenAI. I quickly cover off the basics of how it works and where its creativity comes from, before accidentally delving into existentialism.
Open Source · Video
Modern software is increasingly complex, made up of hundreds or thousands of open source components, hidden away in deeply nested dependency trees. Just how much do we know about these components that are an integral part of our products? What are the risks associated with their usage, and our exposure?
UX Design · Video
This talk offers a taster of the vast world of Inclusive Design by exploring how understanding human diversity leads to the creation of better, more human products.
UX Design · Video
This session summarises the results of a survey showing that much of the population is unable to complete medium-complexity tasks, and that only a small percentage has high-level computer-related skills. This is something that we all need to consider when building software solutions.
Cloud · Video
In this talk, I explore some of the foundations and common approaches for designing resilient systems in cloud environments. I also look into how experimenting with our systems, by deliberately introducing failures, can help us better understand their behaviour.
People · Video
In this talk, I present empathy as a skill that can be cultivated and explores ways of doing that. Anyone interested in building their empathy skills or cultivating empathy within their team or workplace can learn here about different types of empathy, the ways it can empower us and its practical application in our day-to-day jobs.
Artificial Intelligence · Video
Last month GitHub released Copilot, an AI powered tool that provides surprising accurate suggestions ranging from a few lines of code to entire functions. Copilot uses a vast and powerful AI model that is trained on billions of lines of open source code from GitHub. This, combined with the context provided by your code and comments, allows it to provide amazingly accurate suggestions. This is no simple autocomplete, this is pair programming with a robot!
Tech · Video
In this panel discussion, Ash Smith (GDS), Cheryl Stevens (DWP) and Mike Crockart (The Scottish Government) discuss their approaches to identity assurance, including opportunities to improve the user experience and potential obstacles to overcome along the way.
Tech · Video
In this talk, I delve further into the proposed transition from Open Banking to Open Finance, discussing some of the possible opportunities and challenges on the journey.
People · Video
In this talk, Manila McLean, Newcastle Building Society CIO, and I reflect on our experiences and learnings from how we've led our respective businesses to address the challenges of the pandemic. We look ahead to how our organisations will be returning to the office - and what this means for ways of working, managing productivity and staff wellbeing.
People · Video
Everyone’s mental wellbeing has been put under unprecedented strain in the last 12 months, affecting all aspects of our work life and home life. In this talk, I explore the various stressors that affect our mental health and shares some strategies that will help you to improve your resilience.
Open Source · Video
In this online event, we brought together an expert panel from Ofgem, Northren Powergrid and NatWest Group to explore the challenges and opportunities ahead for the energy industry, and the practical lessons that can be gained from a global corporate that has been on the same journey and is now leading the way into the retail banking world of tomorrow.
Tech · Video
Data Mesh is an emerging architectural paradigm for big data that addresses the challenges inherent in the data lake and data warehouse approaches. In this talk, I define what it is, and Charlie Boundy, DWP Deputy Director and Head of Data Science, brings it to life through DWP's technology and data vision.
Delivery · Video
In this talk, Hugh Wallace, Transformation Lead at the Scottish Government, offers his insights on introducing and sustaining a new, agile approach to developing the Scottish Government's payments platform. I provide the supplier perspective on this partnership, drawing on Scott Logic’s experience of being delivery partner for the Scottish Government Payment Service.
Tech · Video
An API Strategy is vital for focusing resources, aligning stakeholders and ensuring that APIs deliver a good return on investment. In this session, I provide my perspective here on the major elements of an API strategy and discusses some of the areas to consider when designing one.
Tech · Video
In this talk, I explore a little of the history of the term API and covers what he considers to be the three most current use cases. I talk about REST and GraphQL with a look at the evolving standards in the 'API over the internet' space. I also look at how the popularity of Event Sourcing has led to a rise in the number of Asynchronous APIs and how standards are emerging in this area too. Finally, I round off with my predictions for the future of Web APIs and signposts some of the technology which is shaping that future.
Tech · Video
In this session, I consider how legacy dictates our view of APIs and explores how, with a fresh perspective, we can maintain focus on recognising the full value of APIs in achieving control of legacy.
Open Source · Video
I talk in this session about the real use cases for Open APIs, and how organisations are starting to move from a compliance mindset to seeing the opportunities that opening up data can deliver – from compliance-driven APIs within the banking sector, to future opportunities that OpenFinance may offer to consumers, to the adoption of Open APIs in other industry sectors.
Tech · Video
With APIs, Open Standards and modern tooling, the vision of GaaP is more readily achievable than ever before, but it requires a different understanding of the role of government — from master and commander to convener and enabler. In this talk, I bring to life why I believe APIs are key to establishing digital foundations that will enable us to better serve citizens' personalised needs at scale.
Tech · Video
Our panel of experts — Jacqui Leggetter (Head of Integration (Deputy Director) at DWP), Kevin Dearing (Head of API Ecosystems at NatWest Group) and Benny Boye Johansen (Head of OpenAPI at Saxo Bank) — share success stories, lessons learnt and practical advice based on their experiences of using APIs as a strategic enabler and value generator.
Tech · Video
A talk, from the Open Source Strategy Forums, where I compared some of the challenges facing open source (complexity, fragility, sustainability) to those which triggered the financial crisis of 2008.
UX Design · Video
Genuine digital transformation is not possible unless Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are embraced and understood across a whole organisation, rather than just within technical teams. In this webinar, I tried to start taking non-technical folk on that journey.
Tech · Video
There's a standard approach to migrating legacy applications into desktop containers: the desktop equivalent of the strangler pattern – but this has its drawbacks. Is there another way? In this webinar, I shed light on an alternative that addresses these drawbacks and opens up new opportunities for old tech. And I explain what on earth rollercoasters have to do with it.
UX Design · Video
This webinar explored the potential of desktop container technologies to cultivate an integrated desktop ecosystem, and shares some techniques for taking a workflow-focused approach to software design.
Tech · Video
This technical webinar sets out the steps involved in migrating a legacy application into the Finsemble desktop container, and introduces some of Finsemble's main features.
Tech · Video
This technical webinar sets out the steps involved in migrating a legacy application into the Glue42 desktop container, and introduces some of Glue42's main features.
Tech · Video
This technical webinar sets out the steps involved in migrating a legacy application into the OpenFin desktop container, and introduces some of OpenFin's main features.
Tech · Video
This webinar explores the potential and realities of an emerging vision for a more integrated desktop application ecosystem, as facilitated by various open-source and vendor products.
Tech · Video
WebAssembly is a brand new W3C standard for a secure and load-time optimised, stack-based virtual machine that is a compilation target for a broad range of languages. That's clear isn't it?! This talk will provide a very gentle introduction to WebAssembly, with practical examples. By the end of the talk you'll have a much better understanding of this exciting new technology.
Testing · Video
This webinar shares practical advice on the types of testing that should be added to your CI/CD pipeline, and explores the ways that testers and developers can collaborate to improve continuous testing.
Delivery · Video
In this webinar, Bartosz shares his experience and practical advice on how to increase your organisation's chances of DevOps success.
Cloud · Video
In this webinar, James maps out a set of well-defined and understood steps on an organisation's cloud journey, to help you plan your onward route towards cloud maturity.
Cloud · Video
In this webinar, James provides a balanced and clear-eyed view of the pros and cons of migrating to the cloud in relation to four key factors - agility, cost, security, and vendor lock-in.
Tech · Video
This talk, from London Node User Group, looked at some of the internals of WebAssembly, exploring how it works ‘under the hood’ with a demonstration of how you can create your own (simple) compiler that targets this runtime.
Tech · Video
With open source projects, we often work with strangers, people we may never speak to, let alone meet. Creating a quality product, with such a disparate team can be quite a challenge. This talk takes a look at how tools and automation are a critical component when creating a successful open source project.
Tech · Video
This talk, from JSMonthly, looked at what's wrong with the way we are using JavaScript today and why we need WebAssembly.
Tech · Video
This talk will introduce the recently launched TensorFlow.js library, demonstrate what’s possible right now (with some audience participation!) and ponder on the future directions this technology might take us.
Tech · Video
JavaScript is the dominant force on the web and increasingly the desktop too, but what about on the server? This talk looks at server-side JavaScript within the context of serverless architectures, a cloud-computing pattern with zero configuration, automatic scaling and a pay-per execution model.
UX Design · Video
Why don't we adopt responsive design on the desktop? In this talk I demonstrate the power and fresh challenge of applying responsive design to desktop productivity applications.
Tech · Video
Pull up a comfy seat and listen to Chris Price tell a story about the Tortoise and the Hare, the App Store and Progressive Web Apps.
Tech · Video
This talk from Bristech 2016 takes a look into the use of Redux for state management in front-end React applications
UX Design · Video
A talk from NUX5 where I explore conversational UIs and conversational commerce.
Tech · Video
In this talk I'll review how the functional programming style of frameworks such as React, ImmutableJS and Redux have paved the way for novel techniques that once again support rapid development cycles
UX Design · Video
Conversational Commerce drastically re-imagines the way services are delivered to customers by moving interactions with them into chat, messaging or other natural language interfaces such as voice. The following video captures some of our initial thoughts on how this might apply to financial services.
Tech · Video
ReactJS, Virtual DOM, JSX, a hackable editor, ES6 modules, classes, arrow functions, node, iOS, native-UI, flexbox, idempotent functions… In this talk I’ll be geeking out about all the seriously cool tech that makes ReactNative possible.