
Our thoughts on technology and design

This post describes an implementation of the Blake 512 hashing algorithm in JavaScript.
Recently I have been wondering about the wealth of information that can be gleaned from the 2.5 million programming question on Stack Overflow.
I recently had a need to create a demonstration application showcasing some of the features of the Closure toolkit. Whilst I was trying to think of a suitable example to implement, I remembered coming across a project called TodoMVC.
Around one year ago I made the prediction that Silverlight would have an overall adoption of 81% by the end of 2011.
In a couple of weeks I will be giving a talk on using PhoneGap for cross platform mobile application development at the WPUG #NotAtMWC12 event on Tuesday, February 28, in London. This post gives a brief overview of my talk and a video.
UX Design
This article presents a concern I have regarding the development of infographics and shows an example of the kind of critical thinking I believe the world of infographics is unfortunately all too often missing.
This blog post provides step-by-step instructions for creating a user control, which exposes bindable properties, in WPF and Silverlight. The post covers dependency properties, and how to manage DataContext inheritance.
About a month ago I published an article which demonstrated how to create a WP7 application using static HTML pages and PhoneGap.
The Windows Phone 7 camera gives you the option to record the location where a picture was taken (under Settings => applications => pictures+camera).
I have just received an email from Chris Maunder, co-founder of CodeProject, informing me that I have been awarded CodeProject MVP status for 2012.
I recently released an update of the HTML5 / PhoneGap application I wrote a few months ago to the marketplace.
Last night, with my Christmas presents all wrapped and a lack of any decent programmes (festive or otherwise) on television, I had a few hours to kill, so decided to create a festive-themed WP7 game ...
Over the weekend I mentioned on Twitter that I had created a Metro-style PowerPoint template. There were a few requests to share, so hence this blog post. Scroll to the bottom to download the PowerPoint file.
This blog post shows how you can use PhoneGap to create Windows Phone 7 applications that are comprised of multiple, simple HTML pages, whilst meeting the Marketplace certification requirements.
A popular user-interface in the iOS world is the UIPageControl which renders a small set of dots to indicate the number of pages.
I've been working with Ext JS 4's pure Javascript charting package for a while now and due to the lack of decent real-world examples (i.e. those that don't just use almost all default settings) and a few undue omissions in the documentation, it's not always been plain sailing.
Recently I have been researching the use of PhoneGap for creating HTML5 Windows Phone 7 applications.
I recently came across the service. Inspired by Movember, I just had to spread the mo-ssage.
This blog post provides a simple utility class that will cluster pushpins on a Bing Map control. This utility provides a way to achieve great performance with 1000s of pushpins.
This blog post describes a simple helper class that can be used to supress scrolling and pinch zoom of the Windows Phone 7 WebBrowser control.